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Oklahoma City Al-Anon Family Information Services
Edgewater Building 3, 3801 NW 63rd St Suite #137, Entrance on North side of bldg. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 Phone: (405) 767-9071
UPDATED 1/3/2025 1:30 pm
Contact office at 405 767-9071 or with any changes​
We have been having email issues. If you have not been receiving emails from us
Please re-subscribe (We lost most of our contact lists)
Sorry for any inconvenience
OFFICE HOURS 10am - 2:30pm, Monday - Thursday
Subscribe (click here) to our site and receive notifications of newsletters, personal stories, and upcoming events.

Closed Meetings - Family and friends of alcoholics Open Meetings - anyone can attend
Please call or email office with any updates
WEATHER Some meeting may cancel due to Severe weather or icy roads.
Check the electronic meetings for alternatives
Al-Anon Searchable Meetings Database
You can search (use search box top row) this database by day, time, city, Men's, Women's, open or closed or any combination, example - "Monday closed 12:00pm" or "Open Edmond" or "May Club Closed" "5:30pm" "12:00PM"
Note: using 2 or more criteria in search - Do Not use commas between words.
Closed Meetings are for anyone affected by someone else’s drinking. *Open* Meetings are for everyone, including members of other 12 Step programs, professionals and students.
All Meetings are non-smoking.
Click Here for printable Al-Anon Meetings
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